Arnold's conjecture that convex, homogeneous bodies with less than 4 equilibria points (mono-monostatic bodies) exist was shown to be correct. In other words, it's possible to make a "come-back kid" {"ванька-встанька"} from a block of homogeneous material. So no matter how you drop it, it will straighten itself out and get on all four paws :-). Here is a page with a neat video demonstrating how "GÖMBÖC" rolls itself into equilibrium. And this Wikipedia article does a much better job of concisely explaining what this thing is (and what it does).

P.S. Why less than four equilibria points, not just one? Because both stable and unstable equilibria count, hence gomboc has two equilibria points, not one.
Still, why "less than four equilibria points" and not "just two"?
I wonder if you just "stumbled upon" this site or if you are an avid reader of Mathematical Intelligencer...
Good job by Arnold, BTW (and by the Hungarians too, of course)!
I think having four equilibria points is a fairly common situation, but less than that is tricky. And it's a "stumbled up" kind of thing (I'm not such a fan of Math. Intelligencer ;-)).
Oh, and one more thing: for 2D body you can prove that it cannot have less than four equilibria points. Arnold came up with his conjecture that for 3D body it is not true. I think somebody proved for 6(or 7)D body, and than Hungarians showed the existence of such body for 3D case.
Where can I buy one?
No idea :-). Although it should make a good toy, it's surprising nobody makes these things. Here is a good (and free) idea for a start-up!
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